If your new to the game goto the Creatures(A History) or Creatures(The Game) right now! Otherwise stay here:) Now, where we left off in Creatures(A History) that was the setting for C1 & C2. Creatures 3 is like a prequel for C1 & C2. C3 takes place upon the ship that the Shee built to goto their new spherical home.....

When the Shee had built their spaceship they gathered up the Norns and Ettins and other varied species of plants and animals from Albia and placed them in the ship. This ship, like most things the Shee created, was extrodinary. It had four terraniums; one was a safe enviroment for the Norns, another was a hot dessert home to the Ettins, the third contained two large water tanks full of interesting fish, and last there was the jungle full of pioson- and toxic-spitting plants. And holding these four terraniums together was the bridge which was full of machinery.
The Shee set off with the different plants and animals(but also leaving behind a fare share of Norn eggs and Ettin eggs, in their rush to get away from the Grendels) thinking they had finally rid themselves of the Grendels. But they were wrong, as they soon found out. Some Grendels had managed to get onto the ship, and they had fled from the Shee to the dangerous jungle.
The Shee hurridly pioleted the ship into the orbit of a planet(which was spherical)and gathered up as many animals and plants as they could(once again) and fled to a the planet below. The ship was left in the planet's orbit with animals and plants(also some Norns and Ettins) that the Shee had forgotten in their hurried escape.
Now the Norns depend on you to raise them, teach them to speak english(before you do they just speak baby-talk), and help their civilization flourish.

The ship itself is sort of alive. It runs on bioenergy and you must be careful of the machines on the ship, beacause if you use them too much they'll use up lots of bioenergy and that machine could shut down. You replenish your bioenergy by recycling things. But how much the bioenergy level of your ship goes up when you recycle things depends on the efficency of the recycling machine. You can get this machine to 100% efficency by gaining one of the powerups.

Some of the powerups in C3 enhance machines'(such as the "Creator Machine" or the "Recycling Machine") efficiency. Others give other options(such as the Ettin & Grendel Selecter powerup). You also don't have to go on an insane stampede/easter egg hunt for them(like in C2).
Creatures 3 Screen Shots!
Just click on the images below for a bigger picture!!

Creatures 3 System Requirements


Windows 95/98

Pentium 200MMX or better

4x speed CD-ROM drive or faster

16-Bit sound card

2MB 16-Bit color SVGA display adapter (800x600 resolution minimum)

32MB RAM (64Mb reccommended)

300MB of free hard drive space

Creatures 3 Features

*A completely new world, over twice the size of Creatures 2 and divided up into five separate environments - each with their own ecology!

*Connecting agents allow you to take any combination of machines and plug them together to make super-machines!

*Worried about bringing up and teaching your first Norns? Well, start with ours! Creatures 3 comes with a pre-trained starter family, ready to mate and have children. Of course, you can still hatch your own eggs.

*Several new gene types, new navigation model and major improvements to the creatures' genetics - all leading to more distinct, intelligent creatures for you to interact with.

*Powerful physics model supporting slopes, programmable gravity, friction, aerodynamics and momentum.

*Brand new user interface, with easier creature communication and interaction.

*More cool machines, plants and animals than you've ever imagined in a Creatures product!

I got the "features" info from a great site called Creatures 3 check it out!
Goto Creatures(A History)

Goto Creatures(The Game)

To learn more goto:www.creatures3.com